Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract are on the rise worldwide, driven by lifestyle, demographics, environmental pollution, increasing infections, and other factors. The number of patients with diseases like COPD, asthma, bronchiectasis and pulmonary infections is rapidly growing. These diseases affect hundreds of millions of patients, creating substantial challenges for humans, healthcare systems, and economies globally. In addition, rare diseases such as ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome), BOS (bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome) or AAT deficiency cause extensive efforts in healthcare. However, treatment options are still limited despite the significant medical need. It is our objective to provide new medications for respiratory diseases to address these challenges on a global scale.


The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the severe impact of pathogen threats to humans and societies globally. Likewise, hundreds of million of people worldwide are affected by the dramatic increase of bacterial infections, causing millions of deaths per year. Effective broad-spectrum anti-infective therapies are required to address these challenges and to prepare for new pandemics. With our product development we strive to provide efficacious, safe and cost-effective therapeutics to prepare for current and future pathogen threats and contribute to global health security. 

BROAD Availability

New therapeutics for widespread respiratory health conditions require industrial production at scale and economic prices. Traditional sourcing of pharmaceuticals from human plasma, such as for AAT, is not sustainable because of scarcity, contamination risk and ethical concerns. Similarly, medical inhalation devices are not designed for broad use due to high cost, complex user interaction and maintenance. We are committed to new medicinal products made by scalable industrial biotechnology in combination with user-friendly, easy-to-operate inhaler devices. Thereby we will help overcome the limitations in global availability of new therapeutics for respiratory diseases, while upholding the principles of human equity.